If you can see the date on this blog, you will know that
Donald (FUCKING) Trump was elected to be the 45th president of the United
States yesterday.

There have been bad presidents, ineffective presidents,
Republican presidents and Democratic presidents before. Oh, there have been a
lot of good presidents as well. There is a cycle to rule that will tend to go back
and forth from conservative thinking to liberal thinking. Something like water
swirling round and round the drain. I suspect that someday, someone will devise
a formula to calculate these swings, but until then we just have to go through
the motions and take what is given us.
The people of the US
have picked what is probably the worst kind of president. He appealed to the
basest parts of human nature…successfully. If there is any question about how
much the education system has deteriorated in the US ,
it was answered last night.
I have no idea how Trumps election will affect the rest of
the world in general and Canada
in particular. It would be nice if the Canadian dollar went up for a while so
that I can buy US dollars at par for a future vacation. He promised that an oil
pipeline will go ahead and I suppose that is good for the oil industry which is
good for Alberta and Canada .
Bad for humans of course, but humans can be replaced, you just have to engineer
a blackout and twenty years later you have a bumper crop of new workers.

I doubt that I will feel any ripples in my life at all. It
is pretty much a secluded, sheltered pool where not much happens out of the
ordinary. My income shouldn’t change and my needs are simple. There will be an
influx of disgruntled American citizens looking for sanctuary and sanity over
the next few years, but they should blend in nicely.
Status Quo.
If you want a silver lining, the late night talk show hosts
should have an inexhaustible supply of presidential material for the next four
years and Alec Baldwin will have a near permanent job playing Trump on Saturday
Night Live.
It should be an interesting four years.

Well said Ken,my feeling also! B