There is a friend of mine that has trouble with insomnia. I
know that a lot of people have trouble sleeping which in turn causes them to
have trouble staying awake at work the following day. I wonder why?
I rarely have trouble falling asleep which seems to bother
those who do have difficulty. I tell these insomniacs that the pure of mind and
the innocent have no trouble sleeping which is why I sleep like a baby. I won’t
bore you with the profanity I have to listen to, but suffice to say they don’t
agree that I’m pure of mind and innocent. I do have trouble sleeping some
times, when I have had a coffee too late in the evening or when my mind is
whirling and twirling about this and that. My solution is to not even try to
sleep. Just read a book, watch some TV or write a blog or two for those nights
when you can’t think of an idea.
Eventually your body will tell you when it is ready to go to
sleep. Maybe not that night, but it won’t kill you to do without sleep for a
day. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that the next night you will fall
asleep quickly. If you don’t, there just might be some medical problem that
needs to be addressed. There are pills of course, and if you can’t sleep and it
is causing problems in your waking life then you should medicate.
Most of the people I talk to who have difficulty sleeping
just can’t turn off the old brain. They are going over the actions from the day
and reliving each and every decision as to whether it was the right thing to
do., forget about it! The past is past. Of course these same people are
planning tomorrow when they should be sleeping. I suspect that making lists
would help to organize the day so that when the head hits the pillow all of the
planning has been done.
Ahhhh…I haven’t a clue why these people can’t sleep. It
baffles me completely. You sleep or you don’t, if you aren’t sleeping then I
guess you don’t need as much sleep and you should get in the kitchen and bake
some cookies while you’re awake. If you aren’t sleeping, you might as well be
I’m headed to bed pretty soon, and can tell that I won’t have any trouble falling asleep tonight. I had a
productive day and have some plans for tomorrow that will make it productive.
I’m pure of mind and innocent so I plan to sleep like the dead.
Good luck to all of
you insomniacs, I will dream sweet dreams for you.
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