Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Covered in Dried Ocean

Paradise is a funny place. You look forward to getting here for weeks and months ahead of time, depending on how cold and miserable the winter is. I have met people from California, Arizona and New Mexico and for the life of me I don't get why they are here. Possibly for the ocean and shave ice. You would think they would want to come here when it gets unbearably hot in the summer time at home. Oh well, everybody has a story.

We were so looking forward to getting here that we put up with a horrendous series of uncomfortable flights. Fly the friendly skies my ass! The time passed and we arrived safe and sound. Thankfully, neither of our pilots suffered from severe depression midflight.

I think it's that first smell of Hawaii that gets to you. Kind of a combination tropical flowers, sea salt and tourist dollars. The funny thing that I have noticed is that the sea here doesn't smell fishy at all. Even that dead fish I saw on the beach didn't smell fishy.

The last day or two I have been mentally preparing for our trip home. We leave tomorrow, but my mind is already in travel mode. I guess some people can enjoy their holiday right up until they are hauling the suitcases out of the rental car at the airport. Not me. I have been thinking of what electronics need to be charged and have I left a cord or a charger plugged into a wall in some out of the way place that I will surely forget tomorrow morning.

I have been reading books that are on shelves over the washer and dryer while I am here. That's because I was too stupid to remember to bring my eReader which is the perfect apparatus for use on a holiday. It is now and has been sitting beside my bed where I left it slowly losing its charge. The up side is that I have discovered an author that makes me laugh out loud when I am reading. That is the kind of writing I wish I could do. Her name is Janet Evanovich and she has a series of books (Stephanie Plum novels), that I am looking forward to reading. I also read a James Patterson book while I have been here and it was also pretty good. It didn't make me laugh out loud, but it was an entertaining read.
Tonight is possibly the last sunset we will watch from the front of the condos. If things go well, I would like to watch one more tomorrow night and then speed to drop the rental car off at 7:00PM. It is doable. We will also have to say goodbye to the holiday friends we have made while in paradise. I think we could have wonderful friendships if only we lived in the same city. Maybe not, because they are really only getting to know "Superficial Ken".

Tomorrow we have to pack and I think checkout time is 11:00AM. That gives us about eight hours to wander the island as homeless people. I know we can leave our bags with friends in their condos, but somehow we will need to fill five or six hours without swimming in the ocean. No way am I sitting on a plane for six and a half hours covered in dried ocean. Maybe I will bite the bullet and swim, how bad can it be.

I probably won't do another blog from here, so I bid you Aloha from paradise and to paradise I say Mahalo.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us Ken, have a safe trip home. B
