On the news the other day they were talking about the
phasing out of incandescent bulbs during the coming year. The government has
banned retailers from importing 75 and 100 watt bulbs as of Jan 1st
and 60 and 40 watt bulbs as of Dec 31
2014 . Within the year we as a country will be obliged to go green.
I have been using compact fluorescents for years now. In
some locations they are very good and they also give a small cost savings over
the life of the bulb, if you are inclined to believe the manufacturer. I don’t
see why we wouldn’t, when has corporate Canada
ever lied to us about their products before? I have found that in some
locations, they are just not bright enough for what I need. Sometimes they
don’t fit in the fixture that needs a bulb. Sometimes they are just ugly
compared to what I have come to believe is the best look for a bulb.
I am torn about a
forced change to the more efficient bulbs. The news report cited that the
incandescent bulb cost approximately 30 cents, the compact fluorescent $3 and
the LED bulb would cost a whopping $25. Sure the LED is said to last 25 years,
but would you have to produce your original receipt if it crapped out after 22
years. I somehow doubt there would be a refund.
No one can argue that using the incandescent bulbs is better
for the environment, it isn’t. It uses far more power and creates a toxic
problem when we need to dispose of it. Who knows how many billions are made
each year and just how many people are employed making them. I suppose the
argument is that those people will find jobs making the new bulbs. It has been
my experience that that particular scenario rarely works well. If not as many
bulbs are being produced, then it stands to reason that fewer people will be
needed to make them. I’m sure someone has those numbers and will be able to
spin the job losses in a positive way.
What bothers me most is the cost of those new bulbs. I
hesitate about buying the incandescent bulbs and search for the cheapest ones
at the dollar stores. I have never found any for 30 cents a bulb, but after a
longish search, I found them for about 50 cents a bulb. I haven’t really priced
out the CF bulbs, but I imagine they are at least $3 per bulb. The LED’s at $25
are laughable to me. I just did a quick count and I have 52 bulbs in the house
which would cost me about $1300 to replace. There is no fucking way! I say that
and I am what I consider middle class, the poor will be sitting in the dark.
I can’t imagine the brain trust that came up with this idea.
You would think they would have an affordable alternative in mind before they
banned those horrible incandescent bulbs. I can see an underground black market
sprouting up to supply illegal bulbs. Maybe there will be an online equivalent
to the speakeasies of prohibition days. I will for sure order bulbs from the
Asian countries. Hell, I will probably try to make my own out of cheap Ikea
glasses and some twisted wire. Yes…I am that cheap.
Well, the lights will slowly be going out or dimming in Canada
during 2014, welcome to the new dark ages.
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