Saturday, 26 March 2011

Earth Day - Ken

More snow today which is a good thing since we are planning to be on the beach in four days. Right? To me, this is the point of the year when you should be thinking “it’s pretty nice, but I may as well go see how things are in Paradise”.

The problem is that I don’t have a lot of friends and my going to Hawaii could just drive the few friends that I do have away. Oh well, it isn’t like they are money friends, and they don’t have many friends either. I’ll pick up some crappy T-shirts and all should be fine.

Today is Earth Day so I am typing this in the dark on my powered down computer. It turns out that if you hook up 150 potatoes in series to the power bar you have enough energy to run the computer for about 4 minutes and 8 seco

1 comment:

  1. Well don't you look handsome in your tourist looking garb, and with that lovely backdrop of snow you do stand out! If you going walk around dressed like that you better buy a money belt a s the pick pocket/ muggers will zoom in on you with in 30 mins! You may want to bring tar as a sun screen as you look ripe for a good burn or a sombrero will also work. Brian
